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wouter grove

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Western Cape CoLab

University of the Western Cape (UWC)


I am the Manager of the Future-Innovation Lab  UWC, Cape Town South Africa, an exciting multi-year innovation partnership between Samsung and UWC


I am a Researcher at imec-SMIT-VUB, a research group at Vrije Universiteit Brusselfounded in 1990  conducting fundamental, applied and contractual research on IT, media and policy.


My current research focus is on Digital Platforms, specifically Emerging Digital Platform Design, Inclusive Innovation, Living Labs and User Co-Design Approaches, Governance & Technology, Digital Transformation and Digital Inclusion


I previously also investigated the application of Serious Games, specifically as approach to Leadership Development


Recent Publications


I also worked previously as Management Consultant; Project Manager; Operations Director across multiple industries, mainly with C-Suite clients. 


 I have started and sold numerous businesses, and love working with innovative technology startups.




Outside of work I am an oncodad, organ donation advocate, fitness fanatic, wannabe rock climber and closet musician. I also love photography, especially when travelling to cool places and meeting inspiring people.

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