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The Battle

Men often think they are strong, invincible facades of indestructible rock and battle-hardened steel.

In control.

Focused and driven.

Maybe, just maybe we should stop this illusion. Men bottle up, anything from smiles to gut-wrenching shouts for help.

We brick it in behind walls of seeming wellbeing. We inhale all the trauma around us…and often just keep inhaling.

Holding our breath. And holding… until we lose ourselves?

I must confess. I am battling with all the trauma around me. I am battling to be strong for others, while inhaling more and more and more and more trauma around me.

Today I received the news that one of our former students, seemingly on the next rung of his hard-fought ladder to success, passed away after he went missing in strange circumstances.

We have little to no real information.

Just the fact that he is gone.

I am trying hard to inhale this trauma.

Trying to make myself breathe.

It is a battle.

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